Literal translation from Spanish: "Potatoes with sparkles"
Neo demanded the other day "potatoes with sparkles". It sounded odd I thought, but then again it could be interpreted as avant-garde, I could think of Breton or Dalí demanding to eat sparkling potatoes.
But she didn't want them in the metaphoric way, she very much wanted to eat them, so she pulled me back from my reverie: "I want to eat potatoes with sparkles!"
In my home town, where we had just been, we have a true delicacy: boiled potatoes sliced covered with chili powder, salt and lime juice. I thought that maybe in her creativity she saw the chili powder on them as sparkles, so I offered to make them for her.
"No!, not that. I want the sparkling potatoes I had at my friend's house!"
"Which friend?" I asked
"My friend from when I was a baby!"
We had recently traveled back to the city in California where we lived when she was born, and met with a group of moms and kids we used to see every day. I thought about it until I remembered her eating any sort of potato there. And it suddenly hit me:
At J's house she tried a new type of potato chip: "Pringles"
So, the forensic linguist in me traced her thinking process:
pringles -------> sprinkles -------> sparkles -------> brillitos
From now on Pringles shall forever be known as the chips that sparkle!